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Top Mistakes Students Make While Using A Referencing Generator

References or citations are an important part of your academic paper that comes in a variety of styles and help your professor or instructor know that you have used information from authentic and factual sources. However, writing references in different styles as specified in your paper can be tedious, and this is why referencing generators exist. A referencing generator is an online tool or software that automatically generates a reference list for you in the desired style with your input data.

Although the whole process sounds simple, students make a lot of mistakes when using a referencing generator, and thus, tend to end up with incorrect references or, in some cases, the generator does not work at all.

This is why in this article, I will discuss the most common mistakes students make while using a referencing generator. Read on to find out more.

Common mistakes students make while using a referencing generator

  1. 1. Incorrect entry of data

When you want to get a reference generated for you properly, you have to ensure that you enter your data correctly. You have to be extremely cautious while doing this as you will have a lot of numbers and names on your hand.

One incorrect entry can lead to your entire reference getting wrong. This is why you should be carefully cross-checking each box as you fill with your data.

  1. 2. Choosing the wrong generator

In most cases, your professor or instructor will mention to you in what style you need to use your references. You can also check your rubrics or paper writing instructions to know which referencing style you should use.

This is important as there are different generators for different references, and it is very hard to find a universal one. For example, if you are supposed to use Swinburne referencing in your paper, you should be searching for a Swinburne reference generator.

  1. 3. Not including the web address

Including the web address for a particular citation link is important as then the generator will create a reference for you based on that link. If you forget to add the web address of the reference, chances are you will end up with an incorrect reference.

For example, if you are citing in Vancouver referencing style and using a Vancouver referencing generator, the very first thing you should do is add the web address of your reference in the box given.

  1. 4. Forgetting to add page numbers

Some references like the Deakin referencing style require you to add your page numbers to get the complete reference list.

However, when using a Deakin referencing tool, if you forget to add the page number, the generator will still come up with a reference for you, minus the page numbers. Thus, you will end up with an incorrect reference for your paper. This is why I recommend you always check your references for page numbers while using a generator.

Summary : Using a reference generator is easy and simple, provided you know what you are doing. Unfortunately, one careless mistake can lead to your entire reference getting wrong.

Author Bio: Joanna Berry is a primary school teacher at a reputed institution in the UK. If you need ESSAY WRITER help, you can contact her at MYASSIGNEMNTHELP.COM.

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